At first they couldn't because of the getaway occupying them, and after that they took him for a goner.
Orange wouldn't bleed to death and all that nasty business. White really cared about him that much he'd improvise a bandage of some sort so Mr. Orange's gunshot wound? You'd think that if Mr.
Why didn't any of the criminals have the good sense to at least apply some direct pressure to Mr. I imagine Joe, being a major criminal, has probably invested money in various properties throughout the city as a way of laundering his ill-gotten gains, so it would not be too hard for him to have access to the keys to some safe houses or motel rooms which he could just give each of the robbers and say "This is where you'll be staying for the next week/month/etc." Concerns about secrecy aside, he needs to have some idea of where they will be for purposes of coordination if nothing else, it is easier to collect everyone at once and transport them to the central locations rather than relying on everyone making their own way there, and it avoids the concern of the robbers finding out where their fellow robbers live if they all know that they are just living somewhere that Joe has set them up in. Joe could also have arranged temporary accommodation for the robbers in the days leading up to the heist. There's less risk in knowing where Orange is currently living if it's just some fleapit dive he's paying for with cash on a weekly/monthly basis. Could be that part of Orange's cover identity is that he's from out-of-town and he's staying in a temporary apartment until the job is completed. The whole point of the color coded names and anonymity was to eliminate that possibility. If caught, they could divulge that information which would lead to the capture of another gang member. The point is they know where Orange lives. And I still don't quite see what the problem is they know where Orange lives and/or is staying, yes, but why should they worry, since Orange doesn't know anything about them at that point? It doesn't seem to pose any greater risk than hiring some young guy who doesn't know Joe and Eddie personally would (we don't know anything about Brown and Blue of course, but we can assume they know Joe and Eddie better than Orange, at least). Since Eddie seems to be a daddy's boy, it's unlikely he, Pink, and White would pick Orange up at his hangout if Joe wasn't okay with it (or if they really thought he wouldn't be okay with it). Even Joe said in the briefing that they weren't to divulge any info on their Christian names or hometowns. Orange his first name and sports team, but other than that all of them seem big on anonymity. TV TROPES RESERVOIR DOGS SKIN
No skin off anyone else's nose if Orange is the only one who has something to lose should someone else tell. Based on what we're shown, the only member whose hiding place is known is Orange, and he's supposed to be a relative rookie who doesn't know anyone else, and gets shot in the gut and starts dying anyway. Pink is, all things considered, probably the only one of the group who would think about it that much, or care. If they all knew where the other people in the group were staying even temporarily, it'd pose as a pretty big security risk in an operation that is based around relative anonymity. Orange dead simply because Orange knew White's name. Pink, for example, could you imagine his reaction if the others knew where he lived even temporarily? He's the guy who wanted Mr.
It shouldn't matter if the others are transient - if you take Mr.Even if it was temporary, it's not unreasonable to toss up a couple posters to make your stay a little more pleasant. Orange having a random shitty bachelor pad for the duration of his stay doesn't really say that much about him. Everyone except Vic is supposed to be kind of transient or an out-of-towner.Why do Eddie, White and Pink drive up to Orange's house? Isn't anonymity a big part of this deal? I understand Eddie needing to know names/identities, etc, being the son of the boss, but aren't the 6 robbers supposed to be protected from each other? And I know that it's Orange's house, or at least a police-appointed hideout (which makes no difference from the point-of-view of Joe and Eddie) because he's painting a room, has comic posters up (he mentions The Fantastic Four at one point) and he has a change jar with his wedding ring.